
Secure alternative to teamviewer
Secure alternative to teamviewer

secure alternative to teamviewer

With this software, users can stay connected with the host whenever they want to seek control of any other computer. It is a chrome extension, and thus, it requires the Chrome browser to operate. The Chrome Remote desktop software is powered by Google that works on its proprietary protocol called Chromoting. The copy-paste function does not work as expected.Requires a fluid and good-speed internet connection.It doesn’t offer the file-sharing feature in the free version.

secure alternative to teamviewer

  • Record your session for more security and further training purposes.
  • It does not require any administrative privileges or installation.
  • Facilitates secure collaboration and communication.
  • Its paid version will cost you upwards of $10.99 per month. The free version is available with basic features. The remote desktop software performs very well on all devices and operating systems such as Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, free BSD, Linux, and Raspberry PI. It boasts of over 100 million downloads, with around 130 million sessions per month. AnyDeskĪnyDesk is a remote desktop software that ensures a safe remote desktop connection experience and meets the most commonly preferred specifications.

    secure alternative to teamviewer

    15 Best Free Alternatives of TeamViewer 1.

    secure alternative to teamviewer

    We have compiled a list of the best remote desktop software solutions that serve as excellent TeamViewer alternatives, along with their prices, pros, and cons. Well, there are free alternatives for TeamViewer with great features. Sometimes, the paid version also includes considerable charges which might burn a hole in your pocket. Its major problem areas include its inability to share big files and limited features in the free version. However, many users do not prefer TeamViewer as a remote desktop software solution, as it falls short when the work task is in context with the proxy servers. Looking for Remote Desktop Software? Check out SoftwareSuggest’s list of the best Remote Desktop Software in 2020. Hospitality – Hotel, Restaurant & Salon.

    Secure alternative to teamviewer